About a century or two ago, the Pope decided that all the Chinese had to
leave Italy.
Naturally there was a big uproar from the Chinese community.
So the Pope made a deal.
He would have a religious debate with a member of the Chinese community.
If the Chinese win, they could stay.
If the Pope wins, the Chinese would leave.
The Chinese realized that they had no other choice.
So they picked a middle-aged man named Ah Peh to represent them.
Ah Peh asked for one condition to be added to the debate.
"To make it more interesting", he said, "neither side would be allowed
to talk".
The Pope agreed.
The day of the great debate came.
Ah Peh and the Pope sat opposite each other for a full minute.
Then the Pope raised his hand and showed three fingers.
Ah Peh looked back at him and raised one finger.
The Pope waved his fingers in a circle around his head.
Ah Peh pointed to the ground at where he sat.
The Pope pulled out a loaf and a glass of wine.
Ah Peh pull out an apple.
The Pope stood up and said: "I give up. This man is too good. The
Chinese can stay."
An hour later, the cardinals were all around The Pope asking him what
The Pope said, "First I held up three fingers to represent the holy
trinity. He responded by holding up one finger to remind me that there
was still one God common to both our religions."
"Then I waved my finger around me to show him that God was all around
us. He responded by pointing to the ground and showing that God was also
right here with us."
"I pulled out the wine and loaf to show that God absolves all sin. He
showed me an apple to remind us of the original sin. He had an answer
for everything. What could I do?"
Meanwhile, the Chinese community had crowded around Ah Peh. "What
happened?" they asked.
"Well," said Ah Peh, "First he indicated to me that all Chinese had 3
days to get out of here. I replied to him f*@k off and not one of us was
"Then he pointed that this whole city would be cleared of Chinese. I
showed him that we are staying right here."
"Yes, and then???" asked the crowd.
"I don't know", said Ah Peh, "He took out his lunch, and I took out
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Joke of the day: The Pope vs Ah Peh
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
when shopping with my mom
Last fri 18th nov my mom came over n asked me to bring her shopping so i did...shop the whole day from taka to paragon... when we walk pass daniel yap we saw a very cute gown then my mom insisted tat i try it on but i didn wanna cos i don think i'll wanna get it la... then my mom shop for her clothes and ask me to try the dress while waiting for her to try her own.... ok i agreed haizz
My mom is in the changing room opp me... so after i've changed i stepped out... OMG there're like 5 girls outside waiting for the room...they are of 1 group of frens...then they are starring at me in disbelieve like wow...then they r like saying wow so cute look like princess (#'.'#)''' so paiseh... so i quickly step back in n close the door slightly... i ask my mom if she's ready then she ask me to walk out of the room hahaha i say don wan la u open the door can le... my mom saw n also said wow!! my little princess n insisted she buy it for me (-.-)''' not cheap not cheap haiz...she say i really look gorgeous in it and said tat i can wear it for christmas party or any function...haiz...well ok la bought it... donno who will be lucky to see it....
so Andi called after tat i told him i just bought a cute dress then he asked if i wanna go to his cousin's wedding with him then i can wear it for him hahaha ya right... i said don wan la i don wanna be prettier than the bride it's her day ma hahaha... i tot i very thick skin very jia lat already but he said this:"haiz ya lor maybe i shldnt go too cos every wedding i go the lime light is on me not the groom" hahaha perfect match hahaha great very very thick skin hahaha...
My Bday
wow busy celebrating no time to update... my bday celebration starts on the fri b4 my bday which is like 4th nov... my actual date is 9th nov... si it went on till the 15th hahaha...crazy ya... frens frens family n more frens...go out drink already drink 5 nights le (-.-)''' tired sia... but love my frens they are fun to be with....thx for all the presents hahaha... the most memorable is a ring...ok cant tell the story...haha....
will upload as many pics i took over the few weeks as possible... on frenster... abit busy now... plus frenster loading on snail speed so very sian...
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Took a astrology test today kinda true...
Section 1: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation
Quiet, deep, emotionally complex and intensely private, you are not a person who is easy to get to know and understand. You are extremely sensitive but disinclined to show it, and you allow only a special few into your inner world. Like a wary animal, you are cautious and mistrustful of those you do not know until you "sniff them out". You are very, very instinctive and intuitive. You usually have a strong, immediate gut reaction to people, even though you may be unable to clearly articulate why you feel as you do. Your feelings and perceptions go deeper than words.
Section 2: Mental Interests and Abilities
You possess vision and foresight, and your mind is often occupied with big ideas, plans, and goals for the future. You are interested in what is possible and what is on the horizon, rather than what has already been done. The study of philosophy, religion, politics, or education is of interest to you, and you are more concerned with theories and concepts than with specific applications. You are not inclined to focus on any one practical, concrete area; you find it irksome to deal with details and particulars. You have a gambling instinct and enjoy speculative enterprises and new ventures. Business, advertising, and promotion would be good areas for you also.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
I cant change where I am from but I change where I am going.
I cant change my past but I'm gonna make a difference to my future!!
hahaha I'll make it big!!! I'll make all the guys regret!!!!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
The little conversation
Ok so jie ming finally told me the "men's" story... yap my ex asked him if he is my bf n he said no. then asked him if he is serious abt me cos if he is then my ex can feel better as to entrust me to him (bullshit stuff if u really wanna make sure i'll be happy why don u do it urself? u don trust urself to make me happy la izzit..so bullshit stuff) ok then he tell my fren I'm complicated (cow dung again) am I? then he say I make a person happy,calm and comfortable. He said that I make people feel special and feel good abt themselves...n I'm a very nice girl so must treat me good (cowdung I'm not a nice gal la haha I'm evil hohoho) he also said tat I make someone feel guilty and painful.....for this i asked my fren y? cos I didn do anything...Then he said he understand everything my ex says... Sometimes cos I don do anything to them they can sense tat the one in my life is not him...that is very painful...
Ok back to the story...then he did something very weird... he flagged for a cab n wanted my fren to take the cab to my house to confront me abt his feelings OMG!!!
Idiot wat is he thinking... haiz...ofcos my fren didn la n ask the cab driver to go...after a while his fren came to bring him back to the club...
I donno wat to say anymore...
well I tot my night was bad enough...haha seems like yao xiang's night was worst...his fren was accused of putting his hand in a girl's mini skirt n they spend a long time to settle the matter hahahaha...nearly got into a fight... n i tot i had a bad night... hahahaa...laugh out loud... well tat's all for today... hav to go out le... chiao!!!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Halloween Party 31st Oct
humm..last night was pretty ok... went to coco latte with 30 ppl on my side alone. there's already 30 ppl with me... the tix I order till siao already.... well my fren ask me to go then i called so many ppl he also shock...but the place a bit smaller than expected la...
When I'm leaving one of my ex boyfriend call me... he was at double O...well i got a few frens at double o and some at zouk... well i asked them if it was fun la... since my ex (one of my ex not the last bf) he wanted to come over to see me... so thinking long time nv see him le n he's my bro like tat la then i waited for him.
Ok the start of the dramatic night man... haiz... he came over n I can see he's drunk la like I expected cos I know when he club he sure drink alot with his frens till drunk... so I wasnt surprise...coco latte wasnt close to double o... they r like 15 to 20mins apart walking...after he reach he toh already... meaning he abit gone already la... cant stand still... I think the walk just made the alcohol pump faster in his blood stream that's y he was more drunk then b4...
So I asked him if he's alright and wanna bring him to the sofa but he was stubborn... well all the time my fren(jie ming) was beside me... I borrowed his hp cos mine low batt so my ex keep falling on me n I hav to hold him up n stuff like tat...somemore my sisters n frens were ard... (- . -)'''
Geez!!! I was very embarrass but I cant leave him alone la cos he my bro ma. then he started talking abt lots of stuff...summarise the things he said:(Don be like tat ur bf wont be happy to see me n u like tat(bf referring to jie ming)... then he said things like I was never the one for you... you deserve better but you are always the only one...they always mistake me... I'm no good for you so forget me... forget abt me... I'll nv be a good boyfren for you... I'm always the wrong one... I'll never be good enough...forget me...I'll be ok... then he tell me sis:"I'm ok but I donno ur sis(me) will be ok or not)
Well I think from all that I think he's saying out loud for himself most of the time...I'm over him...but I guess he was not... I nv hear this from him... even when we meet up(alone or with a group) he nv say how he feels he'll just keep everything up n kept quiet. I told him jie ming n me will walk him back to double o to find his frens but he don wanna he asked me to leave cos everyone was waiting for me... I asked him to call his fren to come get him then he called... I told him he's not thinking straight so we'll talk again... but he just said: I'll only say this kinda things when i've too much to drink so don bother...
It was like 30mins then my sis cant wait n I cant let then wait too... so I asked jie ming to take care of him... poor jie ming he likes me so he was very upset to see me n him like tat... but I didn expect this to happen... I'm still very shocked n embarrassed!!!
Then I left...said sorry to my company...we went for supper n i called jie ming he said my ex fren bring him back already so don worry... n he said cant u tell he really loves u n the both of them actually had a chat while waiting for his fren... but tat bitchy jie ming didn wanna tell me... he say men's talk... well I just told him sorry to bother him n I didn expect it... I think I owe him one....haiz...
Well story of me n my ex... he is my 1st bf n i'm his 1st... tat was when we were in sec 1... super damn long ago right... well we kept in contact... I was popular n childish then, so it was me who wanted a break up cos i think he was too shy to do anything...don even dare hold my hand...well we were young.
Then we started going out with my group of frens beginning of this year when I met him n my ex sch mates while shopping... so we all went out as a group... the guys will ride n bring us ard... tat time he told me i'm still the only one he likes cos he met alot of girls(esp in the clubs n sch) he is tall n pretty gd looking la...but he nv bothers to get their numbers cos he don like them like he like me...he even try to lie tat he did hav other girlfrens after me but he was a bad liar so me n my frens didn believe him n he admit I'm the only one... he always hav a very bad temper until now when me n him kinda close n together...
But something happened then the riding days r over b4 spinnovex... then he returned to his bad temper again n was worst tat he starts to annoy some of the guys in the group... well I donno man... I like him more as a bro now cos my aim in life is diff from him la... cant really see my future with him...I'm more ambitious...haiz wat shld I do... He even tell me in his blabbering that he's work will be stable after 1 or 2 years... he asked me can I wait for him cos he don hav time for a girlfren cos his career is not stable now... maybe I'll wait if it's worth the wait... but breaking up with me during the wait...humm... don seems to be a good decision... cos it makes me free to accept other guys... I'm loyal only when I'm in a relationship... so I cant wait when I'm not in one la... u just got to tie me down man n when I love you I don mind being tied with you hehehe *blush*
Well I wonder y some loves me so much yet the ones I love breaks my heart.
Do you guys really think it's for the best? You wouldnt have time for me n I would suffer? You don think you can give me happiness or you r not worth my love? Why is tat always the reason for breaking up with me? Is it really for the best? Is it really for my good? Is it just a selfish act so that you dont feel so bad abt yourself? Well have you ever think of how I feel? When I love you I do not bother abt how much time can you spend with me, I do not care if you cant always be by my side or shower me with love n gifts. Even if there's alot of better choice ard me... I'm still blinded by your love. By telling me to forget abt you and you are not worth it just makes it a selfish excuse to make yourself live better. Why wont you let me go thru all the pain you r going thru with you? Why do u always think it's for my good? It's not good at all for me. It's not good at all!! This is to all my exs who told me they are not worthy of me.