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    Thursday, March 20, 2008

    Fun pics on Shoot

    Well I was assigned to do makeup for a MDA video shoot hehe... nice*
    One reason for me falling sick is this haha...
    Cause I havta wake up like 6 am...
    Ok I normally dont wake up this early... yap... haha
    I'm a responsible person.. so despite feeling ill I'll still get my job done.

    The Shooting Process >>>

    Set up the set >> Director Brief the actor >> Teaching the moves >>

    Ready Camera's rolling >> Behind the camera >> On screen

    Another set.... cool huh
    they used the lever for this shoot
    looks like a fishing rod haha..

    Well when we have nothing to do waiting for the directors of MDA
    which are the actors of the video hahaha....
    So tired and sleepyzzZ.... see my dark eye rings....haiz...

    The whole shooting took 2 days to complete...
    Finally the early waking ends... haha
    So we went to Waraku at Central for dinner
    We can see Clark Quay from Waraku...

    Now for the Foood.... Foooood

    Udon soup and Unagi Rice set wow!!
    Me share with my lil' sis la... so much cant finish alone haha...

    Hold on... that's not all!!
    This is the video they did last year... hahaha it's very cute n funny!!!