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    Friday, March 07, 2008

    I went to cut my hair (T n T)

    Everyone force me to cut my hair shorter =( sob sob...
    they say my hair is getting really long~

    Well I didn know where to get a good hair cut...cos my hairstylist is actually in JB Malaysia...
    He had been my hairstylist for 3 yrs and he really does a great job.
    He can take up to hours just to cut my hair.

    Furthermore I trust him cos he's the head stylist in the Prestige Salon...
    Their service is Great with massage and excellent service
    Ofcos the Price of the Service is "Excellent" too...
    Each visit I can easily spend over $600 on my hair...
    In malaysia it's very ex... but converted to sg still acceptable...
    For cut, wash n style is already ard $100....
    It is really a gd salon and I don't mind paying...

    But this time... I'm really busy and lazy to go back so
    I decided to get it done here
    in singapore instead...
    Do you know that most stylist in singapore are also malaysian?
    Ok so my hair is sooo long... take a look...

    haha.... so by recommendation,
    I went to Francis and Jean in Far East Plaza

    I was thinking this is the place where fashionable and hip ppl go right?
    So the hair cut will also be more stylish right?

    Big time WRONG!!!!
    I regretted so much!!!

    The difference between good skillful stylist is
    they do not use the crocodile scissors At All or too much
    Even if it's tinning the hair, they will use the normal scissors
    So they can "keep track" of the shape of the hair!!

    Ok so this guy stylist I donno gay or not but seems like he's not...
    His name is Eric.
    Bad attitude, thinks that he's handsome or wat and he seems to be
    very in need of money bcos he cut every customer's hair very very fast
    like my long hair, it only took him 30 mins to cut my hair...
    then he moved on to get another customer and finish her hair in 30 mins too
    *how did i notice? cos my lil sister's hairstylist spent over 1 hour plus jus TRimming her hair!!!
    Her shape ofcos turn out better than mine!! but i donno y the stylist cant seem to cut her fringe straight and cut it too short too....haiz....

    I also see other customers got massage and stuff like that but I donno what's up with Eric man...
    I tot i'm being sensitive...
    but later on I ask my sis, she said why is he not
    very nice to me...
    see... I wasnt sensitive....

    So his attitude is bad!
    1st he quickly snip off 3 inch of my hair OMG!!!
    Then the rest he used the crocodile scissors alllllll the way!!!
    I TOLD him I DO NOT want my hair TOO SHORT!!!

    And you know how much he charge me? no massage nth...
    I paid $40!!!!
    It's not about the money!!
    I dont mind paying for a Good Hairstyle!!!!
    So now I think my hair is a mess!!
    Looks like a Nest!!!
    I hate it!!!
    And I told him not to cut it too short and everything I say
    he did not listen!!!

    Sooooo PISSED!!!

    This is the Whole Destroying my lovely hair Process!!!!

    Destroy>> Me very very upset>> He cut too much>> With styling is ok, with no styling looks like the Ah Lian Nest Hairstyle!!!!

    The only Lucky thing is I know how to style my hair nicely...
    The way I style it.... and my sister's new hairstyle...

    All thx to my old stylist who taught me lots of stuff....
    Haiz... So can anyone recommend me someone who is really good in giving a haircut
    Never go to Francis and Jean esp don look for ERIC!!!