This is a super funny movie about 3 losers trying to get laid b4 going to college.
The thing they need to help them get laid is the boost... aka alcohol...
So the girls would be drunk enough to do them and
They would be high and brave enough to do it!! hahaha...
A movie both guys and girls will enjoy man!!
Gd for first dates cos both of u can laugh together and talk abt the show.
Then there wouldn't be awkward silence hahaha....
Great for Guys night out too.
4 stars
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Movie Review - SuperBad
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4:51 PM
Labels: 40 year old virgin, movie, review, Superbad
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Saturday, October 27, 2007
Movie Review - Stardust
Stardust hehehe sound so magical~
It's a good show, sweet and funny and magical... hahaha....
It's a *~*Fairy Tale*~*.
Charlie Cox and Claire Danes are a cute couple.
Robert De Niro is very funny cross dressing. and ofcos
Michelle Pfeiffer is as Gorgeous as ever.
Stardust is seriously a very funny show
given that it's suppose to be an exciting show,
but it is more laid back,
mmm... too funny and light hearted to be exciting.
It'll be a gd show for 1st dates, couples or Girls-Night-Out
cos it's relaxing sweet, very Funny and light hearted.
If a brunch of guys watch this movie tgr... Er... dot dot dot.
They'll think that it's a little too pussy... hahahaha....
4 Stars
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1:17 AM
Labels: Charlie Cox, Claire Danes, Michelle Pfeiffer, movie, review, stardust
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Friday, October 26, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Movie Review - I know who Killed Me
Lead actress Lindsay Lohan.
This is a GREAT movie!!
Kept me on my sit most of the time
Made me wanna follow the story thru out to find out the end.
The parts I don like obviously are the torturing parts jus like the movie SAW...
It's so freaking psychotic!!
Ok i hate tortures!!
Jus fucking kill the person dont torture him/her it's SOoooo SICK!!!!
The plus point abt the show is tat you get to see the HOTT Lindsay in SEXY Lingerie and Dirty dancing in a 'Strippers Club'.
She got Such a FINE Body!! Woooooo..........
You'll nv guess the storyline man....
First u think she escaped...
Then u think she's CRAZY after the trauma but in the end..............
You find out you are WRONG!!!!!!!
*I seriously wonder why US box office rate it so low....
5 stars man!!
*PS: Ok this movie might not be showing anymore but you sure can get a dvd...
Wanna get mine??
I'll sell ya at $5
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12:49 PM
Labels: I know who killed me, lindsay lohan, movie, review
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Love myself being woman hahaha
As a makeup artist, I met a young lady customer today (ok most of my customers are female cos guys seldom buy makeups). She doesnt like to makeup... finds it such a bother to have to put on makeup cos she thinks her complexion arent gd.
She said: "I envy my lil' brother. He have great skin. You know he wakes up 30mins b4 sch jus hav breakfast n wash his face n go to sch!! That's life man!! That's wat I want!!"
Well... she don really like to be woman huh... haha
Me? I love being woman. hahaha... Love the fact that it's alright for me to put on makeup, nice clothes, long hair Jus... to make myself beautiful..... hahaha....
Joke of the day...
The family is sitting at the dinner table.
The son asks his father: 'Dad, how many kinds of boobies are there?'
The father surprised answers: 'Well son, there's three kinds of breasts.
In her twenties, a woman's breasts are like melons, round & firm.
In her thirties & forties, they are like pears, still nice, but hanging a bit.
After fifty, they are like onions.'
Son: 'Onions?'
Dad: 'Yes, you see them, and they make you cry.'
This infuriated his wife and daughter.
So the daughter says: 'Mom, how many types of 'willies' are there?'
The mother, surprised, smiles and answers (Pay back time!!): 'Well dear, a man goes through three phases.
In his twenties, his willie is like an oak tree, mighty and hard.
In his thirties & forties, it's like a birch tree, flexible but reliable.
After his fifties, it is like a Christmas tree.'
Daughter: 'A Christmas tree??'
Mom: 'Yes dear, Dead from the root up and the balls are for decoration only.'
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Movie Review - Balls Of Fury
Really lame and not funny show with a bad story line hahaha the thing is it's just toooo lame but not funny... so how frustrating can that be... hahahaa...
It's so sad but I'm getting sick of the not so gorgeous anymore Maggie Q...
It's pretty disgusting to smooch that fat nerd in the movie hahahaha EEK!!! I pity her.... hahahaa.....
Next movie to watch: SuperBad!! Well the show got gd reviews wat can I say hahaha...
30 days of night don't hav a gd review... guess i'll pass it then....
but anyone who'd watch it can let me know if it's any gd hahahaa...
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4:15 PM
Labels: balls of fury, maggie q, movie, review
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Saturday, October 20, 2007
Well for usual bloggers I think you had already heard of this blog PostSecret. Well basically ppl write post cards to this blog containing their secrets. I saw some pretty gd one....
Hahaha!! You GO Girl!! hahaha....
OMG!! This sounds like me... well a dirty lil' secret of mine is that when I see a lot of ppl crossing the street in front of my car, I have the urge of running them over like bowling pins hahaha *ponk *ponk *ponk wooo.....
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Ideas for Halloween Party!!!
No idea what to wear for the up coming Halloween Party? hahaha... well check these new yorkers out and be creative!!
Ya you can dress up like Tamagotchi if you wanna be egged!! hahaha
Make sure u're as scary as this man!!
Isnt Christmas a 'little' toooo early??
As usual... medics are needed to cause heart attacks!!! hahaha
What can be scarier than 2 gay "PlayBoy" Bunnies hahahah!!!
Oh Harry.... you are such a "Dick"!!
So I guess "bunny" is the one at the bottom in this relationship... hahaha
Oh~ Kinki!! Pls cuff me up! hahaha
How abt being Mona Lisa? with movable hands and face...
Miss USA?? How abt Miss Singapore?? wooo..... "Eye Candy"
Friday, October 12, 2007
Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (A CAPPELLA!?)
This is soo Cool~ it sounds so much like the original song!!!
Song name: Harder,Better,Faster,Stronger
Artist group: Daft Punk!!!!
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2:01 PM
Labels: acappella, daft punk, harder better faster stronger
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Cool webby to Bitch abt your Neighbours haha
Well I came a cross this webby that's way cool!! I hope singpore has one too so I can bitch abt my neighbours upstairs!! hahaha.... well on this webby you jus type in the zip code (for USA only la...) and search for the area.
*but here's something you can try... *founder Cassey* hahaha ok my own tips...
type the famous Beverly Hills (90210) for a try hahaha
1) The usual complains abt barking dogs
2) Inconsiderate neighbours
3) Neighbours parking in-front of ur yard
but the funniest are the "LOUD SEX", "WHORE" hahaha these complains are extremely FUNNY!!!! hahaha.....
Domestic Violence/Loud Sex
The couple at 582 W. 22nd Street San Pedro, CA fight a LOT and then the guy beats her then they have very loud sex. Their cat kept peeing on my front door at night at least 3 times a week.
Crazy ppl isnt it... hahaha Well some ppl sure like SM!!
Check it out:
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12:41 PM
Labels: bad neighbourhood, rotten neighbours
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Movie Review - Resident Evil: Extinction
Resident Evil: Extinction
This show is nv disappointing... jus like Lord of the Ring... The story line is still GREAT!! Similar to the game... but not very scary or gruesome thou... jus great story, great thrill man hahaha.... and ofcos Milla Jovovich is as cool and sexy as Ever!!
*I love the whole out fit!! Thinking where can I get the socks!! haha
Btw do you know she's a Actor, model AND a singer?? hahaha....
Oh oh... btw it is really sad that no characters (ofcos other than Alice) will survive for than 1 episode... they will die somehow... well let's us all wait for the next episode. yeah!!!
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12:22 PM
Labels: Milla Jovovich, movie, resident evil 3 extinction, review
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Sunday, October 07, 2007
Nose hair jokes!! hahaha
Thursday, October 04, 2007
My List Of Men's Fashion NO-NO!!!
Men no-no and Pls nooo... sins:
1. Peek-a-Boo nose hairs ahh!!!!
2. NO mash or net or any kinda see thru clothings!! PLS!!!
3. Mixing patterns. (wth is polka-dot top with checks pants?)
4. Ties too long -------------> or too short. -->
5. Stained clothes, wearing your breakfast, lunch or dinner on your shirt is unbecoming.
6. Waists that sit too high or too low. (ur butt crack arent that sexy ya know)
7. Funny hair color. (I saw daring guys nowadays with moth looking hairstyles n colors. Well your head sure is rusty!!
8. Wearing all your handheld devices on your belt, are you dreaming you are batman uncle?
9. Over-layering. (Try hard to look jap huh)
10. HUGE belts. (so wat if it's AX aka Armani Ex)
11. Wearing Army print on the top and bottom. (cant wait to go back to camp huh)
12. Feminine colors. *Pink/Purple Seriously, don’t wear hot pink guys, please!
13. Dont wear orange too. Hardly anyone looks gd in orange.
14. Fur and faux fur coats. (They are not manly unless you hunted them urself hahaha)
15. Jeans that are too tight. I mean not only skinny jeans , but those that squeeze the life out of you too. (1st guys shld look mascular nt skinny. 2nd we dont need to know how big your D*** is hahaha)
16. T-shirts with stupid sayings. Don’t think that you can impress the ladies by wearing a ‘cool’ t-shirt. (Like "I'm A Virgin" WTH?hahaha)
17. Fancy facial hair. Normal facial hair is perfectly fine, but don’t wear weird beards or moustaches, like the one James Hetfield of Metallica is wearing.
18. Pasa-malam (Market) Slippers
19. V-neck (esp those showing your chest hair! Aiyo)
20. Tight tees or shirts (so wat if you are muscular? Worst if you dont hav the body hahaha)
21. Singlets
22. Floral / Tie dye (batik) Shirts
23. No FEAR or No RULES t-shirts!!! (Outdated ah beng!!)
24. Bell-Bottoms / Frill Jeans (what! are you invited to the Outdated ah beng fashion show again?!!)
25. FBT shorts (sport shorts that are sooo short? save it for the tracks man)
26. Football jersey (save it for the game will ya)
27. 3 for 10 tees sold in Bugis (with the middle fingers,rock bands type) What are you? Indian??
28. Yellow and black stripes tees (Buzz off BEE!! SMACK!!)
29. Guys with "handbags"
And Now for the worst kind who think they are soooo COOL~ but sadly they are laughing stocks
30. Guys who wear Sunglasses in Clubs!! wahahahahaha.... Laugh!!!
Seriously can you really see? Well I guess every girl will look pretty to you ya hahaha cos it's sooo dark that the ugly and desperate girl over there looks damn chio to you!! hahaha...
So WTH are you thinking!!
Posted by
2:11 PM
Labels: men fashion. fashion no no, sunglasses in clubs
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A cool~ Quote to share*
There is a limit to one's wisdom..... but stupidity has no boundaries hahahahahahhahaa......
That's a Great!! I say GREAT joke!! hehehe
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Scientific facts abt the wisdom tooth
can you believe my wisdom tooth kinda look like the one on the left? the one with 2 roots!! well that's the one from my upper row and the real killer was the one at the bottom... it gat 3 roots!!!! well it sure was hell... btw this photo of the 2 teeth are not mine la... it's ancient hahaha... well it is said tat our bones and teeth are the hardest to decompose.. or maybe not at all....
ok now for the scientific fact abt why the wisdom tooth is soo big that it will bore you out hahaha...
There's a balance between two molecular mechanisms, Activation and Inhibition, govern how many teeth form from the tooth germ (the small bud of tissue that will later form the tooth) and how big the teeth are.
When the two mechanisms are in balance, all three teeth form and are about the same size.
But if the two don't balance, the size of the teeth differs. If Activation wins out, each tooth is successively larger, with the wisdom tooth becoming the bully of the bunch and causing a real mouth-ache. In extreme cases, a fourth molar might even rear its ugly head.
On the other hand, if Inhibition wins out, the teeth get successively smaller, so the wisdom tooth is the runt of the litter. Run to its extreme, this situation could prevent the wisdom tooth from forming altogether.
Paris Gets Grilled by David Letterman hahaha...
OMG this is soooo Freakin' FUNNY!!!! If you havn seen it go watch it now man!!! It's super funny and left Paris speechless hohoho.... well give her a break hahaha she jus came out from jail.... the last part is the BEST!! "Is that somebody you'd met in prison??" hahaha He is soooo EVIL!!! I like it. but poor Paris hahaha!!
ok in short this was the conversation (Video Link below):
NEW YORK, NY (October 1, 2007) " Paris Hilton missed out on a scheduled "Late Show With David Letterman" appearance earlier this summer in order to serve time in jail for a probation violation. When she finally made it to the late night talk show this past Friday night, David Letterman didn't let her forget the reason she missed her original appearance.
After a couple of quick opening questions, Letterman went straight into probing Paris about her visit to the Century Regional Detention Center in Lynnwood, California, this past June.
"How'd you like being in jail?" he asked.
"Not too much," Paris replied.
Letterman carried on with a series of slammer-related questions including what jail was like.
"Well, obviously it was a very traumatic experience, but I did it. I feel like I can do anything now," Paris told David.
As the interview pressed on however, it appeared there was one thing Paris couldn't do " tackle more questions about jail. As he jumped in with humorous inquiries about jail food, Paris began to kick one of her legs and squirmed in the guest seat.
"What would a breakfast be?" Letterman asked.
"Like a hard-boiled egg and an orange," she said.
"What was dinner usually?" he continued.
"Jail mystery meat." Paris replied with a smile and more leg kicking. "It was pretty bad."
As Letterman continued to probe, asking if the experience in jail was "ugly," Paris quickly noted she wanted to change the subject.
"I've moved on with my life so I don't really want to talk about it any more," she said.
Letterman however, did.
"This is where you and I are different, because [that's] all I wanna talk about," he said to the heiress as the studio audience erupted in laughter.
"Have you, did you make any friends while you were in jail?" he continued.
"I'm not answering any more questions about it. I'm here for my clothing line and my movie and my perfume. I'm not here to talk about that. I'm moving on," she replied.
After a few more uncomfortable minutes, Letterman finally switched subjects and Paris was able to promote her projects including a new movie she is filming in Toronto " "Repo! The Genetic Opera."
Watch the Funny Interview Video @
Microsoft Magic hahaha....
MAGIC #1--
An Indian discovered that nobody can create a FOLDER anywhere on the computer which can be named as 'CON'. This is something pretty cool...and unbelievable... At Microsoft the whole Team, couldn't answer why this happened!
For those of you using Windows, do the following:
1.) Open an empty notepad file
2.) Type 'Bush hid the facts' (without the quotes)
3.) Save it as whatever you want..
4.) Close it, and re-open it.
Is it just a really weird bug? :-??
Microsoft's crazy facts This is something pretty cool and neat...and unbelievable... At Microsoft the whole Team, including Bill Gates, couldn't answer why this happened! It was discovered by a Brazilian...
Try it out yourself... Open Microsoft Word and type =rand(200, 99) And then press ENTER then see the magic................................
Weird huh.... the software is pretty cock up ya... haha... btw I dont have microsoft word so will anyone try Magic #3 and let me know wat happens?? hehehe thx!!!